1 year ago
Query regarding the upload of multiple files in different browsers in Angular (inconsistent behaviors)
In my Angular project, I have a simple multiple file upload:
onclick="value = null"
Based on some investigations, most browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) have a limit of 6 connections per hostname reference and I was expecting the same behaviour from them, but it did not happen.
- Chrome
When there are 6 files being uploaded (each with a size of 100 MB), and I try to access the list of groups, the last request is not processed and it stays in pending status. The screenshot shows what the Network tab looks like -> Check Image Here
But when a file is successfully uploaded, and the number of files in progress goes to 5, then the request is processed and the list of groups is displayed.
- Edge
I repeated the same scenario using Microsoft Edge and I encountered the same behavior.
- Mozilla Firefox
Using Mozilla, I observed an unstable behavior. When I upload the same 6 files, the next request (to display the list of groups) is not processed. In the first test, groups are displayed when there were 5 files in progress, in the second test only when there was only 1 file in progress, and in the third test when there were 4 files in progress.
I would highly appreciate your help with any information on why this is happening and what could be the possible cause.
Thank you.
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