1 year ago



Osama Kheireddine

How to retrieve AccessToken for files in Firebase Storage

I am currently using firebase storage to upload images for a final year project. I am using Angular, Ionic & Capacitor for this project.

I can upload images with no issues (quite proud of it!) but I am unable to retrieve the images when I make a request.

I need the access token for the image in order to display it as part of the url which would look something like: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/{folder}/o/%2F{photoName}?alt=media&token={accessToken}

I have no idea on how to retrieve the access token from firebase storage. Ideally I would like to set a custom access token so I can upload the image and then store the access token and the image name in the firestore database, then use a call to get the name and token and build the above url.






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