1 year ago
why creating a beam dataframe from beam.rows do not work but it does from beam.select
I have simplified my problem with the following two cases:
case 1:
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.dataframe.convert import to_dataframe
input_file = "gs://bucket/inputfile.parquet"
p = beam.Pipeline()
updates = (p
| 'Read updates file %s' % (input_file) >> beam.io.ReadFromParquet(input_file)
| 'To rows' >> beam.Map(lambda row: beam.Row(**row))
df = to_dataframe(updates)
size = df.groupby("year").size()
case 2:
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.dataframe.convert import to_dataframe
input_file = "gs://bucket/inputfile.parquet"
p = beam.Pipeline()
updates = (p
| 'Read updates file %s' % (input_file) >> beam.io.ReadFromParquet(input_file)
| 'To rows' >> beam.Select(id=lambda item: item["id"], area=lambda item: item["area"], year=lambda item: item["year"])
df = to_dataframe(updates)
size = df.groupby("year").size()
The only difference is how i create the rows.
Why the second case works but the first one doesn't ???
According to this, they should be equivalent.
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