1 year ago
Dhouibi iheb
System error when opening Wav File passed as an argument to Fastapi endpoint
As the title states I am trying to pass a path of a wav file to a FastAPI endpoint
The purpose of this program is to convert speech to text using speechbrain, this is a portion of my code
async def root(audio_path: str):
The error I get :
RuntimeError: Error opening 'favicon.ico': System error.
I tried adding this portion of code :
@app.get('/favicon.ico', include_in_schema=False)
def favicon():
return FileResponse(favicon_path)
This is the error I get :
OSError: [WinError 1921] The name of the file cannot be resolved by the system: 'favicon.ico'
the wav file name is : test.wav and it is stored in the project directory, I tried the following paths
I had no previous experience with FastAPI so I am wondering if there is anything I've ignored in setting up my api like setting a favicon or something similar..
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