1 year ago
Jasmin Muhamedagic
Why is Get-ChildItem inside a Function Access denied after correct New-PSDrive? (It works outside of the function scope.)
This doesnt work
function ImportProcess{
$sourcePath = $XMLPath
$DestPath = split-path "$sourcePath" -Parent #this gives format without slash at and and makes powerShell *very happy*
write-host "connecting to Dir"
New-PSDrive -Name "Drive" -PSProvider FileSystem -Credential $global:cred -Root "$DestPath" | Out-Null
write-host "done"
write-host "getting all xml files"
$temp1 = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath
I want to put this inside a function and access the files in the path and this below works. I got this methode from using credentials to get-childitem on other server
$sourcePath = "path"
$DestPath = split-path "$sourcePath" -Parent #this gives format without slash at and and makes powerShell *very happy*
write-host "connecting to Dir"
New-PSDrive -Name "Drive" -PSProvider FileSystem -Credential $global:cred -Root "$DestPath" | Out-Null
write-host "done"
write-host "getting all xml files"
$temp1 = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath
I tried different scopes in New-PSDrive and set-location before get-childitem, aswell as setting the Path to the Drive name + needed subdir
i removed the part where i get the credentials, because all works but as soon as i put the process in a function i get "Get-ChildItem : Access is denied"
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