1 year ago



Lucas F

Python execution with PHP on ubuntu works in shell, not in PHP

I am trying to create a python script that send a poll + message througout a messaging app, but my script doesn't seems to work.

First of all take into account that this command works from the SSH shell of the server:

/usr/bin/python /home/bitnami/stack/wordpress/polls-push.py

And correctly send my message to the service. (classic command line execution).

But once I call it with PHP, it does not work anymore:

$cmd = escapeshellcmd( '/usr/bin/python /home/bitnami/stack/wordpress/polls-push.py' );
echo '['.shell_exec( $cmd ).']';

I tried as well with and without escapeshellcmd and with both shell_exec and exec but nothing is working as expected. Same with absolute or relative path.

Here are my file rights:

$ ls -l polls-push.py
-rwxrwxrwx 1 bitnami bitnami 3749 Mar 28 15:35 polls-push.py

And my polls-push.py file starts with:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

With error message:

echo '<div>exec + escape + err message</div>';
$cmd = escapeshellcmd( '/usr/bin/python /home/bitnami/stack/wordpress/polls-push.py 2>&1' );
echo '['.shell_exec( $cmd ).']';

Displays: []

Edit: To get the error:

$arg = escapeshellarg( '/home/bitnami/stack/wordpress/polls-push.py' );
$exit = '2>&1';
$cmd = '/usr/bin/python '.$arg.' '.$exit;
echo shell_exec( $cmd );




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