1 year ago
I get an error message for my temp table (Syntax error: Unexpected "(" at [2:1])
I get the error message with this:
CREATE TABLE #percent_population_vaccinated
continent NVARCHAR(255),
location NVARCHAR(255),
date datetime,
population numeric,
new_vaccinations numeric,
rolling_vaccinations numeric
INSERT INTO #percent_population_vaccinated
SELECT dea.continent, dea.location, dea.date, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations
, SUM(vac.new_vaccinations) OVER (PARTITION BY dea.location ORDER BY dea.location, dea.date) AS rolling_vaccinations
FROM `my-project-0306-343712.portfolio_project_covid.covid_deaths` AS dea
JOIN `my-project-0306-343712.portfolio_project_covid.covid_vaccinations` AS vac
ON dea.location = vac.location
AND dea.date = vac.date
WHERE dea.continent IS NOT NULL
SELECT *, (rolling_vaccinations/population) * 100
FROM #percent_population_vaccinated
I'm trying to follow along with the tutorial but I get stuck here.
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