1 year ago
How do get Firefox to display ASCII control code charachters 0-31 as font glyphs 0-31?
I am using a .ttf font ( _decterm.ttf ) that is loaded with CSS: @font-face { font-family: "DEC"; src: url("FONTS/_decterm.ttf") format("truetype"); } It has usable glyphs in slots 0-31.
ASCII characters 0-31 ( in the HTML ) do not display , even when using the & # 00 ; � format.
LOL ( This editor shows a replacement for ASCII 0 above , I had to space it out so that it would not replace it. )
The font I am using has glyphs for characters 0-31. Maybe there is a way to remap the encodings for 0-31?
Here is 0-31...
I do not even get this displayed in the browser window. I get one of them.
I suspect that Firefox is dropping ASCII codes 0-31. I would like to see Firefox dislpay them just like ASCII codes 32-127.
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