1 year ago
Takeshi Tokugawa YD
Does hot reloading works only when change the XAML in Jet Brains Rider IDE (physical device case)?
Experiment flow
Start the debugging of application:
Check the Debug Output:
On change of any XAML file:
[1]HotReloadAgent: Reload request for XamarinExploring: 'Views\PeopleListPage.xaml'
[1]HotReloadAgent: Reload view of type 'XamarinExploring.Views.PeopleListPage'...
On change VuewModel C# file:
[1]HotReloadAgent: Reload request for XamarinExploring: 'ViewModels\PeopleListViewModel.cs'
[1]HotReloadAgent: There is no tracked views, nothing to reload.
All registered tracked views:
XamarinExploring: Views/PeopleListPage.xaml
XamarinExploring: Views/PersonDetailsPage.xaml
I can't understand is the changing of the logic is not enough reson to reload the application.
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