1 year ago



Ethan Reesor

GitLab CI pipeline with failed job shows as "waiting for manual action" instead of "failed"

  • On commit 6daa4065 there are two jobs, build binaries and build manual binaries. The first job runs for the main branch and tags. The second branch runs for all other refs but is manual. The status of the commit is "Pipeline #500045869 failed".
  • On commit 6882edeb there is a single job, build binaries, which runs for the main branch and tags but is manual for all other refs. The status of the commit is "Pipeline #500769522 waiting for manual action".

Both pipelines failed. Why does one say "failed" and the other say "waiting for manual action"? Nothing depends on build binaries.

build binaries 6daa4065:
  only: [ develop, tags ]

build manual binaries 6daa4065:
  when: manual
  except: [ develop, tags ]

build binaries 6882edeb:
  - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == 'develop' || $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null
  - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != 'develop' && $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null
    when: manual




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