1 year ago
How to create a randomised field survey roster in R?
I would like to create a random field survey roster in R.
I have a team of 5 people surveying every day for 7 days. I need to split 4 people into 2 teams, with 1 person off each day. Each team visits 1 out of 2 plots every day. I want to ensure that each plot is visited as equally as possible by all people over the 7 day survey period.
My expected outcome is to have something like the following table but with the people randomised for each day, equally distributed across plots (plotA, plotB, off) for the seven days.
plot | day1 | day2 | day3 | day4 | day5 | day6 | day7 |
plotA | Peter | Peter | Peter | Peter | Peter | Peter | Peter |
plotA | Maria | Maria | Maria | Maria | Maria | Maria | Maria |
plotB | Brian | Brian | Brian | Brian | Brian | Brian | Brian |
plotB | Steph | Steph | Steph | Steph | Steph | Steph | Steph |
off | Sharon | Sharon | Sharon | Sharon | Sharon | Sharon | Sharon |
I've tried using the sample() function but cannot get it to do what I want.
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