1 year ago



Rana Imtiaz

Wordpress blog post image is not displaying on Twitter

I am trying to display image of Wordpress blog post in Twitter card or in tweet with link. But I am unable to sort that issue. After doing a lot of research and many hit & try; I couldn't pull image in twitter tweet with link. I am using og:title, og:description og:image along with twitter meta tags e.g twitter:title, twitter:description and twitter:image. I am also using og:image:width and og:image:height. I also tried many different sizes of image and did research about registered https:// certificates but so far unable to figure out anything wrong.

Can anybody help me what's wrong with my content? Example effected url : https://www.kidpaw.com/blogs/top-10-best-history-channels-on-youtube-for-kids-in-2022/



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