1 year ago
Gmail api with workload identity federation
I have created a workload identity pool with a third-party (auth0) provider. I have configured my service account with a domain-wide delegation and have enabled GMAIL API as well. I could generate STS token successfully but while executing mail client it's giving me an error. Previously with the service account approach, I used to provide email as subject to delegate access to the service account. Since I am using workload identity (to eliminate keys), I am getting an error "precondition check failed".
What are the limitations of the Workload Identity federation? Can we access user data(mail/drive files) if we have enabled domain-wide delegation for the service accounts being used for the Workload identity federation?
I am attaching snippet here :
async function main2(){
const authClient = google.auth.ExternalAccountClient.fromJSON(jsonConfig);
authClient.scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly',
const gmail = google.gmail({
auth: authClient,
version: 'v1'
const response = await gmail.users.getProfile({
userId : 'abc@domain.com'
JSON config contains client library config. I am using the node.js client library.
My use case is to take these configs from clients(mostly orgs) to access sheets, drive, email of their users.
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