1 year ago
Leandro Zanardo
SCSS problem: Unable to keep sass watch running
I've been having a very annoying problem lately.
Every time I run the command "sass --watch scss:css" the scss compiles the code but returns the error: Unexpected exception: Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, watch
This problem did not occur before and due to lack of information I am having difficulties to correct it. Every time I need to turn scss into css I can but I need to run the command every time because it stops watching. Any clues?
Here is the console:
PS X:\Trabalho\PrintOne\Loja_Modelo_2013\Tecnologia\Desenvolvimento\novaLoja\assets> sass --watch scss:css Compiled scss\imports.scss to css\imports.css. Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Unexpected exception: Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, watch
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