1 year ago




Displaying a LinkedHashMap in a JTable

I have an Order object which among other things stores a LinkedHashList (Product : amount). I use a LinkedHashList because I specifically want to keep the insertion order.

public class Order {
    private Map<Product, Integer> productMap;
    public Order() {
        this.productMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    public Map<Product, Integer> getMap() {
        return this.productMap;

In my GUI i've created a JTable with an OrderTableModel like so:

    private Class<?>[] columnClasses = { String.class, Double.class, Integer.class };
    private String[] columnNames = { "Name", "Price", "Amount" };
    private Order currentOrder;
    public OrderTableModel(Order order) {
        this.currentOrder = order;
    // [...]
    public Object getValueAt(int rowindex, int columnIndex) {
        Product selectedProduct = (Product) this.currentOrder.getMap().keySet().toArray()[rowIndex];
        switch (columnIndex) {
            case 0:
                return selectedProduct.getName():
            case 1:
                return selectedProduct.getPrice();
            case 2:
                return this.currentOrder.get(selectedProduct);

However I understand that Maps weren't made to be accessed by index and that (Product) this.currentOrder.getMap().keySet().toArray()[rowIndex] is a hack. This also has the disadvantage of making it quite slow getting a Product object from a row selection in the JTable (get the selected row, iterate again).

I've thought about using two ArrayLists linked by index but that also looks like a hack to me.

So is there a decent way to display a Map in a JTable without going though all these hoops?





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