1 year ago
Jack D
MySql query in same column for same date and same customer
Please I need your help. I am talking about MySQL Database.
This is my query :
SELECT llx_facturedet.rowid, llx_societe.nom, llx_societe_extrafields.prof, llx_facture.ref, llx_facture.date_valid, llx_product.label, llx_facturedet.qty, llx_facturedet.subprice, llx_facturedet.total_ht FROM llx_societe CROSS JOIN llx_societe_extrafields ON llx_societe.rowid = llx_societe_extrafields.fk_object CROSS JOIN llx_facture ON llx_societe.rowid = llx_facture.fk_soc CROSS JOIN llx_facturedet ON llx_facture.rowid = llx_facturedet.fk_facture CROSS JOIN llx_product ON llx_product.rowid = llx_facturedet.fk_product ORDER BY rowid;
Here is the result :
You can notice that, patient6 and patient8 took the same date the items Product1 and Service1.
Hence, their invoice references and names are included in each item added.
How can I solve this without ignoring any ordered items?
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