1 year ago



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FIREBASE_TOKEN abruptly expired

We set up our CI to upload APK build to firebase app distribution using firebase app distribution gradle plugin.

We authenticate via the FIREBASE_TOKEN approach. We have been using the same FIREBASE_TOKEN for years without any problem. The last successful upload was at 2022-03-17T13:24 GMT+8

However, something strange starting to happen since 2022-03-17T15:30 GMT+8. We received the error:

Execution failed for task ':app:appDistributionUploadDevelopmentRelease'.
> Could not generate credentials from the refresh token specified: The refresh token set as the environment variable FIREBASE_TOKEN is not valid

We resolved the problem by using a new FIREBASE_TOKEN, generated through the command:

./gradlew appDistributionLogin

However, the solution doesn't seem to last. The token seems to expire after 24 hours and the same error above starts to appear again.

We are currently exploring using the service account approach. But is this some hiccups on the firebase side? or could someone explain to me if FIREBASE_TOKEN is meant to last only 24 hours?

Appreciate for any feedbacks.




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