1 year ago




How to use python asyncio to asynchronously dispatch tasks?

I am looking to implement a simple p2p file downloader in python. The downloader needs to work within the following limitations:

  • When queried, the tracker responds with exactly 2 peers
  • The tracker ignores requests made within 2 seconds of the previous request

The downloader should attempt to download a single file as fast as possible. From my reading about this I thought that I should be using asyncio. I thought I'd structure the code something like this pseudo code:

async def downloader(peer):
    while file is not downloaded:
        download a new block from the peer without blocking

response = synchronously query tracker for initial pair of peers
newPeers = exractPeers(response)
while file not downloaded:
    for peer in newPeers:
        dispatch new downloader(peer)
    wait 2 seconds without blocking downloaders
    response = query tracker for initial pair of peers without blocking downloaders
    newPeers = exractPeers(response)

What asyncio methods should I be using to "dispatch" new downloaders and query the tracker? From my testing it seems that awaiting an async function blocks the event loop:

import asyncio
from random import randint

async def myfunc(i):
    print("hello", i)
    await asyncio.sleep(randint(1,3))
    print("world", i)

async def main():
    await myfunc(1)
    await myfunc(2)
    await myfunc(3)
    await myfunc(4)

This code runs each myfunc call as though it were defined without async. I'd appreciate anything, including basic pointers.




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