1 year ago
My array is not staying within the bounds
I am trying to find the max Sharpe ratio portfolio within an efficient frontier using a 4 asset portfolio. For some reason when I go to discover the required weights of each asset to reach the MSR, I receive an array that goes beyond the bounds of 0.0 - 1.0 which is weird as I have written the bounds in my formula above. How can I fix this?
def msr(riskfree_rate, er, cov):
""" target_ret -> W """
n = er.shape[0]
init_guess = np.repeat(1/n, n)
bounds = ((0.0, 1.0),)*n
weights_sum_to_1 = {
'type': 'eq',
'fun': lambda weights: np.sum(weights) -1
def neg_sharpe_ratio(weights, riskfree_rate, er, cov):
r = erk.portfolio_returns(weights, er)
vol = erk.portfolio_vol(weights, cov)
return -(r - riskfree_rate)/vol
results = minimize(neg_sharpe_ratio, init_guess,
args = (riskfree_rate, er, cov,), method = "SLSQP",
options = {'disp': False},
constraints = (weights_sum_to_1),
return results.x
rf = 0.1
w_msr = msr(rf, er, cov)
r_msr = erk.portfolio_returns
vol_msr = erk.portfolio_vol(w_msr, cov)
msr(0.1, er[l], cov.loc[l,l])
array([4.51375048e-15, 1.00000000e+00, 1.40512602e-16, 0.00000000e+00])
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