1 year ago
IdentityServer - Client cannot request OpenID scopes in client credentials flow
I have a IdentityServer4 Admin client with Hybrid flow and it is working fine. The Admin client has some controllers (APIs) and I want to expose them as API for other applications. To achieve that I am following this guide:
Code to add admin client added in IdentityServer server. "admin_api" is added as ApiResource in IdentityServer.
Client identityServerAmin = new Client
ClientId = "adminClient",
ClientName = "adminClient",
ClientUri = "adminClientURL",
AllowedGrantTypes = <GrantTypes.Hybrid, GrantTypes.ClientCredentials>
RedirectUris = { $"{adminClientURL}/signin-oidc" },
FrontChannelLogoutUri = $"{adminClientURLl}/signout-oidc",
PostLogoutRedirectUris = { $"{adminClientURL}/signout-callback-oidc" },
AllowedCorsOrigins = { adminClientURL },
AllowedScopes =
Code to register IdentityServer in the AdminClient
.AddOpenIdConnect(AuthenticationConsts.OidcAuthenticationScheme, options =>
options.Authority = <IS4 STS server URL>;
options.ClientId = "adminClient";
options.ClientSecret = "adminClientSecret";
options.ResponseType = "code id_token";
adminConfiguration.Scopes = "openid admin_api roles profile email offline_access";
foreach (var scope in adminConfiguration.Scopes)
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true; }
From the consuming application I am trying to get the access token via
var disco = await _httpclient.GetDiscoveryDocumentAsync(<IdentityServer URL>);
var clientCredentialsTokenRequest = new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
Address = disco.TokenEndpoint,
ClientId = "adminClient",
ClientSecret = "adminClientSecret",
Scope = "openid admin_api roles profile email offline_access"
TokenResponse tokenResponse = await _httpclient.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(clientCredentialsTokenRequest);
return tokenResponse.AccessToken;
When trying to get the accessToken I am getting the following error: "Client cannot request OpenID scopes in client credentials flow"
The issue is not with the scope OpenId, as I removed them from the scope and I still get the same error. Can someone please help?
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