1 year ago
Mohammad Jawed Ahmad
Flutter iOS project not running in xcode but working on android studio and giving module not found error
As you can see in the GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m file I am trying to import my plugins and many time I tried to fix it using these command:
main: flutter clean
main: flutter pub get
ios: pod deintegrate
ios: pod install
ios: pod install clear cache --all
in XCODE Clean pod build folder but not yet get any solution.
When I fix on plugin issue (If i am removing then it's showing me another plugin issue but it is same as first. If I removed plugins from my pubspec.yaml file then it's also showing this issue. How can I solve this issue? Please suggest anyone.
// Generated file. Do not edit.
// clang-format off
#import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h"
#if __has_include(<cloud_firestore/FLTFirebaseFirestorePlugin.h>)
#import <cloud_firestore/FLTFirebaseFirestorePlugin.h>
@import cloud_firestore; Error is here -> Module 'cloud_firestore' not found
#if __has_include(<connectivity/FLTConnectivityPlugin.h>)
#import <connectivity/FLTConnectivityPlugin.h>
@import connectivity;
#if __has_include(<contact_picker/ContactPickerPlugin.h>)
#import <contact_picker/ContactPickerPlugin.h>
@import contact_picker;
#if __has_include(<device_info/FLTDeviceInfoPlugin.h>)
#import <device_info/FLTDeviceInfoPlugin.h>
@import device_info;
#if __has_include(<file_picker/FilePickerPlugin.h>)
#import <file_picker/FilePickerPlugin.h>
@import file_picker;
#if __has_include(<firebase_auth/FLTFirebaseAuthPlugin.h>)
#import <firebase_auth/FLTFirebaseAuthPlugin.h>
@import firebase_auth;
#if __has_include(<firebase_messaging/FLTFirebaseMessagingPlugin.h>)
#import <firebase_messaging/FLTFirebaseMessagingPlugin.h>
@import firebase_messaging;
#if __has_include(<firebase_remote_config/FirebaseRemoteConfigPlugin.h>)
#import <firebase_remote_config/FirebaseRemoteConfigPlugin.h>
@import firebase_remote_config;
#if __has_include(<flutter_downloader/FlutterDownloaderPlugin.h>)
#import <flutter_downloader/FlutterDownloaderPlugin.h>
@import flutter_downloader;
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