1 year ago



Halim Iskandar

how to fuzzywuzzy match items in dataframe columns a, and merge with table b elements?

Hi I have a table products, and another table product pricing. How would I use the fuzzywuzzy match so that I can find the products and return the similarity score and also add productpricing tables items?

tables examples:

product category
colgate toothpaste 150gram dental
productPricing Price Description category
toothpaste whitening colgate 150gram usd5 tootpaste whitening colgate dental


product similarity score productPricing Price Description
colgate toothpaste 150gram 85 toothpaste whitening colgate 150gram USD 5 White paste that can help..

I am using the fuzz.token_set_ratio to determine the similarity score. If there's another way to do match and return highest score please advice.

Currently I am stuck here:

for brandList in scraped['brands'].unique() :
  productItem = list(product[product['brands'] == brandList].itertuples(index=False))
  scrapedItem = list(scraped[scraped['brands'] == brandList].itertuples(index=False))
  for n,item in enumerate(productItem):
    for no,pro in enumerate(scrapedItem):
      extendItem = (item+pro)
df =pd.DataFrame(listMatch, columns =['sku','product','Brands','productScraped','unit','unitPrice','web','date','brands2','unitPrice','salesPrice','normalPrice'])


so the main idea is to check both by category, get highest similiar value and append to new dataframe.

Done got it to work.



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