1 year ago
Halim Iskandar
how to fuzzywuzzy match items in dataframe columns a, and merge with table b elements?
Hi I have a table products, and another table product pricing. How would I use the fuzzywuzzy match so that I can find the products and return the similarity score and also add productpricing tables items?
tables examples:
product | category |
colgate toothpaste 150gram | dental |
productPricing | Price | Description | category |
toothpaste whitening colgate 150gram | usd5 | tootpaste whitening colgate | dental |
product | similarity score | productPricing | Price | Description |
colgate toothpaste 150gram | 85 | toothpaste whitening colgate 150gram | USD 5 | White paste that can help.. |
I am using the fuzz.token_set_ratio to determine the similarity score. If there's another way to do match and return highest score please advice.
Currently I am stuck here:
for brandList in scraped['brands'].unique() :
productItem = list(product[product['brands'] == brandList].itertuples(index=False))
scrapedItem = list(scraped[scraped['brands'] == brandList].itertuples(index=False))
for n,item in enumerate(productItem):
for no,pro in enumerate(scrapedItem):
extendItem = (item+pro)
df =pd.DataFrame(listMatch, columns =['sku','product','Brands','productScraped','unit','unitPrice','web','date','brands2','unitPrice','salesPrice','normalPrice'])
so the main idea is to check both by category, get highest similiar value and append to new dataframe.
Done got it to work.
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