1 year ago
Good tools/techniques for identifying the format of a headerless audio file?
I have some audio files that are in this mystery format I can't quite figure out. Here is a list of things I have tried:
- Opening them up with a Hex Editor
- Gary Kessler's File Signatures list
- Audacity (opened as raw data)
- Awave Studio
- SoX (Sound eXchange)
- TrID
Thanks to the answer by nneonneo here it sounds like my samples are somewhere between a typical compressed format and a speech format.
Here is an example, and this is what it should sound like. I'm at a loss for anything else I can try- most suggestions i've seen in my searches don't seem to work for headerless formats like this.
I would be delighted if anyone knows of any good tools or even if there was a paid service available for something like this.
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