1 year ago




Windows Powershell - How to Extract Specific SMART Info?

Sorry, I'm trying to understand powershell, and would appreciate some help. I am looking to extract specific SMART values. I know I can extract basic information from SMART using:

get-physicaldisk -serialnumber <serial nubmer> | get-storagereliabilitycounter | select-object -Property PowerOnHours,ReadErrorsCorrected,ReadErrorsTotal,ReadErrorsUncorrected,Temperature,TemperatureMax,Wear | out-file smart.txt

But get-storagereliabilitycounter is missing some S.M.A.R.T. values, in particular I'd like to get the LBA's written which is hex 0xF1.

I did find:

(Get-WMIObject -Namespace root\WMI -Class MSStorageDriver_AtapiSmartData).VendorSpecific[115]

115 is apparently temperature which is SMART hex 0xBE but in decimal it is 190 so not sure what to make of it. Also, how do I select a specific disk with this command?

Thanks for any assistance.





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