1 year ago
Is the computed number of spanning trees for this undirected graph reasonable/correct?
This is part of my Master thesis which is about designing hydrogen pipeline networks.
For a particular graph of 135 nodes and 157 edges and (see figure below), I need to compute the number of spanning trees (spanning all nodes). I used the Kirchhoff's theorem and implemented it (using scipy and networkx) this way:
import networkx as nx
from scipy import linalg
def nbr_spanning_trees(a_G):
L = nx.laplacian_matrix(a_G) # compute the laplacian matrix which is equal to degree matrix - adjacency matrix
L = L.toarray() # convert the sparse matrix output of the previous line to an array
L_cof = L[1:, 1:] # extract the submatrix associated with the (1,1)-entry's cofactor from the Laplacian matrix
# (any cofactor can be taken)
det = linalg.det(L_cof) # calculate the cofactor
return det
The returned result is: 1.879759212930661e+16 spanning trees.
This number seems gigantesque, is it reasonable/correct? Is my implementation correct?
As an addition, the graph has at least 23 cycles (but not much more I think). I know this since I have identified the minimum spanning tree and it has 23 edges less than the underlying graph.
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