1 year ago
Jake B.
Flutter - Which identifier do I use to call classes?
There is an identifier that is needed to be passed for this to work but I am not sure what identifier has to be called. Can someone help?
I am needing to make it so when I press the button, it goes through all those working functions, and then takes the user to the next page page_ApiBox()
I am getting an "Expected Identifier, but got ," Error on the Navigator.of(context)...
I see that an identifier needs to be called inside of page_ApiBox(apibox: )));
but I am not sure what identifier is supposed to be called. Null
does not work.
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(backgroundColor: Color(0xFF7E57C2),
onPressed: () {
final api_key_input = _apiKeyController.text;
print('User API: $api_key_input');
//var post = json.decode(response.body); *UNCOMMENT LATER*
// INSERT HERE: Store API Key Value in Encrypted Box.
// MOCK API RESPONSE----------------- *DELETE LATER*
print('Verification Successful');
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context)=>page_ApiBox(apibox: ,)));
label: Text('Verify'); floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat;},
class page_ApiBox extends StatefulWidget {
const page_ApiBox({Key? key, required this.apibox,}) : super(key: key);
final apiBox apibox;
State<page_ApiBox> createState() => _page_ApiBoxState();
class _page_ApiBoxState extends State<page_ApiBox> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: buildApiBox(context, widget.apibox)
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