1 year ago




java, selenium,selenide: adding random product to the cart (stream)

i am using (java, selenium,selenide). there is a list of product div on a page. it contains product information, price and buy button. i need to randomly select 2 products that have price < 290 and click on buy button in the corresponding div. help please. it is important.

private final String parent = "//div[@class ='catalog-item']"; //div-ы
private final String childCost = "/div[@class='catalog-item-store']/div[@class='catalog-item-price']";//переход от div к цене

public void randomSelectionElement() {
    // ArrayList upto290 = new ArrayList<>();
    List listCardsGoods = $$x(parent);//лист дивов
    SelenideElement cost = $x(parent + childCost); //перешли к элементу Цена
    ElementsCollection costList = $$x(parent + childCost);//коллекция цен
    List sortCost = costList.stream().filter(SelenideElement -> Integer.valueOf(cost.getText().replace(" руб", "").replace(",", ".")) < 290).);
    Random rand = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        int randomIndex = rand.nextInt(sortCost.size());//выбираем рандомный индекс
        sortCost.get(randomIndex);//берем элемент
        //взять xpath этой цены и перейти к его кнопке Купить


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