1 year ago




In Java classgraph, How to find all jars loaded by Java classloader in runtime?

In the following question:

How to find which jars and in what order are loaded by a classloader?

It is stated that jars can only be listed for a URLClassloader, which for Java 8 and lower versions is the type of the context classloader. In Java 9+ such hypothesis no longer holds.

So I start looking into 3rd party libraries to figure out the universal way of doing it reliably. Unfortunately, I didn't find any reference of getURL() method in classgraph. The closest reference is in the utility library of scala 2.13:

    def isAbstractFileClassLoader(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = {
      if (clazz == null) return false
      if (clazz == classOf[AbstractFileClassLoader]) return true
    def inferClasspath(cl: ClassLoader): String = cl match {
      case cl: java.net.URLClassLoader if cl.getURLs != null =>
        (cl.getURLs mkString ",")
      case cl if cl != null && isAbstractFileClassLoader(cl.getClass) =>
        cl.asInstanceOf[{val root: scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile}].root.canonicalPath
      case null =>
        val loadBootCp = (flavor: String) => scala.util.Properties.propOrNone(flavor + ".boot.class.path")
        loadBootCp("sun") orElse loadBootCp("java") getOrElse "<unknown>"
      case _ =>
    cl match {
      case null => s"primordial classloader with boot classpath [${inferClasspath(cl)}]"
      case _    => s"$cl of type ${cl.getClass} with classpath [${inferClasspath(cl)}] and parent being ${show(cl.getParent)}"

Unfortunately this is an internal function subjected to change in the future, it cannot be used as is.

So my question is: What's the reliable way of getting jars in runtime classpath that is future-proof?






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