1 year ago
James Young
How do I upload to rds mysql db using mysql command line directly from aws s3 bucket in aws cloudshell
I'm posting this question because I searched for an answer for several days and finally determined the correct syntax.
Using mysqldump - create .sql file backup for rds database in s3 bucket using pipe (|) syntax
mysqldump -u admin -p -h database-1.xxxx.rds.amazonaws.com --databases db1 db2 --single-transaction --order-by-primary --force | aws s3 cp - s3://bucket1/tests3.sql
--this works 3/9/2022 dump db to s3 bucket file
restore database directly from s3 file into rds database using mysql command and s3 cli command in aws cloudshell -- looks backward but it works Avoids a lot of aws configuration in other services
aws s3 cp s3://bucket1/tests3.sql - | mysql -h database-2.xxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -P 3306 -u admin -ppassword
--this works 3/11/2022 import mysqldump .sql file from s3 bucket file -- after multi day search
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