1 year ago
Spring security Oauth2 client modify authorization request going to Oauth server
I have use case where I need to add additional parameter(login hint) to the authorize request. On researching I found that we can do this by OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver. The problem I am facing is that the HttpServeletRequest object present in this class is not the instance of original HttpServletRequest initiated by client. So, I can not fetch the query param or path param send by client and append them to to the authorization URI as extra parameter(e.g. User name).
public class CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver implements OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver {
private OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver defaultResolver;
public CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver(ClientRegistrationRepository repo, String authorizationRequestBaseUri) {
defaultResolver = new DefaultOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver(repo, authorizationRequestBaseUri);
public OAuth2AuthorizationRequest resolve(HttpServletRequest request) {
OAuth2AuthorizationRequest req = defaultResolver.resolve(request);
if (req != null) {
req = customizeAuthorizationRequest(req, request);
return req;
public OAuth2AuthorizationRequest resolve(HttpServletRequest request, String clientRegistrationId) {
OAuth2AuthorizationRequest req = defaultResolver.resolve(request, clientRegistrationId);
if (req != null) {
req = customizeAuthorizationRequest(req, request);
return req;
private OAuth2AuthorizationRequest customizeAuthorizationRequest(OAuth2AuthorizationRequest req,
HttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, Object> extraParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String userName = request.getParameter("userName");
extraParams.put("login_hint", userName);
return OAuth2AuthorizationRequest.from(req).additionalParameters(extraParams).build();
Any help would be appreciated.
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