1 year ago




How to unblock IPAM Access in Windows Server 2022?

I'm using Windows Server 2022 where I'm stucked in completing my IPAM Server Task after step 4 - "Start server discovery". When I proceed to step 5 - "Select or add servers to manage and verify IPAM Access". enter image description here When I tried to "Edit Server". I encountered this error as you can see on the screenshot below. enter image description here

I encountered those errors. I have already ran these commands below in the powershell.

Invoke-IPAMGPOProvisioning –Domain depeddumaschools.com -GPOPrefixName DCSGROUP -IPAMServerFQDN WIN-LODU3GE5I1E.depeddumaschools.com -DelegatedGPOUser DEPEDDUMASCHOOL\Administrator

gpupdate /force

I can't still manage to unblock the IPAM Access and I have thoroughly followed the steps in these two articles below. https://msftwebcast.com/2020/01/install-and-configure-ipam-in-windows-server-2019.html https://mehic.se/2017/05/23/install-and-configure-ip-address-management-ipam-2016-part-1/

As you can see on my Group Policy Management below enter image description here

I was able to update the group policy on our domain controller. Is there anything else that I still missed on my setting and configuration along the way? Please advice. Thanks




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