1 year ago
Spring cache proxy issue when method called within the same class
Here is the interface code. Here the abstract method getItemById
is called inside findById
. This was causing the spring proxy to not work as intented.
T getItemById(@NotNull final String id);
default Optional<T> findById(@Nullable final String id) {
return isBlank(id) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.ofNullable(getItemById(id));
The following is an implementation of of the interface :
@Cacheable(value = "cartCache")
public Cart getItemById(@NotNull final String id) {
//get data from DB
When I call the method from the autowired class directly service.getItemById()
then it would work. But when I call service.findById()
it isn't working due to aspect not getting applied for the method.I have read tht aspectj being a solution but I don't know it's working very well and how to implement it in the following case.
I have came across a post which uses @Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
annotation. But it is on a class and an object of the service is also create inside itself. As I coulnd't do this in my interface, I don't know how to proceed.
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