1 year ago
Joe Farro
I'm trying to figure out the correct addoption for vlcsharp to use addoptioon for adding a logo to an avalonia control
I'm building an app for Avalonia which plays videos and shows images on a raspberry pi. I'm able to show text such as the date/time on the bottom of an image, but not on a libvlc control (for now). I see open issues on that, so came up with a hack that might work if I can add a 'logo' to the bottom. My idea is I'd write an image, then load that image in as a logo using 'add option'.
Libvlc allows addoption to be used to add 'command line options'. It's not supported but is my only option to try. I can see that on the command line what I want to do works. When I try it my code looks like:
public void PlayVideo(string path)
if (view.MediaPlayer != null)
using var media = new Media(libVLC, new System.Uri(path));
view.IsVisible = true;
view.MediaPlayer.SetAudioOutput("Built-in Audio Digital Stereo");
mediaPlayer.Fullscreen = true;
mediaPlayer.EnableHardwareDecoding = true;
that doesn't seem to work. I see some syntax with ":" instead of "--" but I'm not clear on why. Anyone know if my syntax for addoption is right, or are currently doing this?
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