1 year ago
Qt + FTDI - how to best maintain the cross-platform capabilities when using Dual-HID (FT260H) or Dual-MPSSE (FT2232H) and relying on plug-and-play?
Im working on a project that implements a RS485 interface currently using a FT230 that has a single UART-Interface via VCP. This way, in Qt, I can use the SerialPort library without any issues, working both in Linux and Windows.
Now I want to add I2C capabilities to the system to read additional sensor data. I want to stick with the FTDI chips and keep programming to a bare minimum if possible. Then again, there might be better solutions to my problem and I am open to change my mind.
After searching the web for hours now and gathering a bit of information I've got a couple of questions. I'm relatively new to programming and I still find all the different USB-libraries for Windows and Linux confusing.
- FT260 - this chip creates 2 HID-Devices. Which library could I use that would allow me to use those both on Linux and Windows? I looked at QtUsb (https://github.com/fpoussin/QtUsb) and was indeed able after a while of trying to compile and run the example codes of the github repository on both systems.
--> my Question concerning this chip: Can I use the hidapi library that is part of QtUsb (i.e., is hidapi enough) on Linux/Windows to simultaneously use the 2 HID-devices as a UART and I2C interface? Could I additionally use the FT260lib.h to make my life easier (It seems to be windows specific...)? Is there another way to interface with HID-devices using the same source code on Windows and Linux?
- FT2232 - as far as I understand, this chip can be configured to represent 1) a Virtual Com Port and 2) a generic Serial Interface at the same time. 1) is very good as this would mean I can keep the SerialPort part of my application with minor changes, if any.
--> With 2. though, I read of an issue on Linux: Linux only installs one driver per VID/PID combination. (Right?) As written here - https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/521714/ft232h-ft2232h-mount-as-dev-i2c-x - this causes the FT2232H to only appear as a VCP on Linux without a 2nd channel. Does this pose a problem or could I use e.g. the FTDI d2xx driver to interface the 2nd channel?
- The advantage with the FT2232H is that it saves me the trouble of rewriting any code for the RS485 interface. However it seems I would still need to use some specific library to interface with the I2C side of things. --> Can the d2xx library be used with the same code base for Windows/Linux? Can I use libMPSSE somehow in my scenario - datasheet says there is a linux/windows libMPSSE - or would this require separate code for Linux/Windows?
Man, sorry for such long writing. I hope my questions are somewhat clear though. Thanks in advance, I will try and reply quickly on comments and answers
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