1 year ago
Word wrap and full justify text so that each line has the same length
I am trying to create a class HW2 using the prettyPrint method. I am trying to do a word wrap and full justify text so that each line has the same length (using System.out.println). I am trying to get something to look like this:
HW2.prettyPrint("This homework is demonstrating how word processors make the text in a document line up so neatly.", 25)
This homework is
demonstrating how word
processors make the text
in a document line up so
And this is my code that is not working - any ideas on how to fix?
public static void prettyPrint(String s, int x) {
int numberWords = countWords(s);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
if(i <= x){
padString(s, x);
if(i == x){
// use CountWords, separate words into an array, then concatenate every line and use padString to output the correct length
// print one line first, then move on to another
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