1 year ago



Sourav Kannantha B

Multi-thread context switching in register-less machine

As I know, multi-thread context switching is pre-emptive initiated by the OS, transparent from the perspective of thread. Generally, when context switching, OS saves all the register values and restores them later switching back to that thread. This includes stack-pointer of that thread.

But consider a hypothetical register-less machine. In this, I can use a fixed address in memory to store the stack-pointer. But here, when the context-switches, stack-pointer is not guaranteed to be preserved. The other thread stores its stack-pointer in the same address. Since it is a global variable, it will corrupt stack-pointer of all other process in the same thread. How to avoid this? How can I store stack-pointers without necessarily needing registers, but also keeping stack-pointer valid after a context-switch?

I'm asking this because, since every computer is equivalent to basic Turing machine, and basic Turing machine does not contain registers this should be somehow doable. I thought about it for some time now, and I was unable to come up with anything.

EDIT: As @JérômeRichard mentioned in comments, all modern processors have registers, and their ISAs are dependent on them. So even memory copying is not possible in them without registers. So here I am going to define a simple architecture for argument purposes.

It is a machine with 2^x addressable units, with each of them having a unique x-bit address. For simplicity, assume there is no concept of virtual memory, and entire address space is mapped directly to physical memory. So, there is no need for requesting memory, process can use its entire x-bit address space freely. Let OS be present outside this address-space and not interfere with user-process.

Also, there is only one user-process running on the machine. But it can multiple threads. All threads share same address space. But they all can independently execute different instructions and on different data. Again, for simplicity, switching of instruction pointer is managed by the OS.

This processor's ISA is capable of reading, writing, copying data on any part of memory given their address. It can also do any arithmetic, logic, bit-manip operations on the data. Let me leave out all other floating-point and vector instructions.

When we have a single thread running, we can fix some global address and store the current function's data like frame pointer and return address and use them. Now, the challenge is to store and restore thread-specific data like these across context switches. Assume this OS does pre-emptive context switches.




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