1 year ago
Can a StreamMediaInput only be played one time to the end?
I am using LibVLCSharp to play audio, and am running into an issue in a UWP app. I am playing audio via a MemoryStream loaded into the StreamMediaInput to be used as a Media for the player. When I do this, if I let the player reach the end of the audio, the audio becomes unusable. I can't play it a second time, can't seek to any other position, can't do anything with it. When I do, it locks the thread and completely ganks the app.
This is a simplified version of my code to play audio, but contains all of the important stuff:
LibVLC _libVLC = new LibVLC();
MediaPlayer _player;
public void Load(byte[] data)
_player = new MediaPlayer(_libVLC);
var stream = new MemoryStream(data);
var mediaInput = new StreamMediaInput(stream);
var media = new Media(_libVlc, mediaInput);
player.Media = media;
public void Play()
if (_player?.Media == null)
Am I missing something fundamental about the way the MediaPlayer should behave when audio ends?
UPDATE: I implemented this change to my code and it now plays just fine. It appears that when a StreamMediaInput reaches a state of "Ended", it doesn't have the ability to continue using that input. So, the solution is to reset it all manually if I need to. Here's what I changed:
public bool Load(Stream stream)
_player = new MediaPlayer(_libVLC);
_currentStream = stream;
return _player?.Media != null;
public bool Play()
if (_player?.Media == null)
return false;
if (_player.Media.State == VLCState.Ended)
return _player.Play();
private void SetupMedia()
if (_currentStream.Position == _currentStream.Length && _currentStream.CanSeek)
_currentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var mediaInput = new StreamMediaInput(_currentStream);
var media = new Media(_libVlc, mediaInput);
if (_player == null) return;
var oldMedia = Player.Media;
if (oldMedia != null)
oldMedia.DurationChanged -= MediaOnDurationChanged;
_player.Media = media;
Duration = media.Duration;
media.DurationChanged += MediaOnDurationChanged;
private void MediaOnDurationChanged(object sender, MediaDurationChangedEventArgs args)
Duration = args.Duration / 1000.0;
In addition to this change to fix the issue of not being able to play an audio source twice all the way through, I realized I did, in fact, omit some code from the original post that was causing the app to hang: In a callback from an event on the player, I was calling methods on the player itself (such as .SeekTo(0)
). In researching this I found in the documentation that you should definitely not do that, and removing that code fixed the freezing issue.
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