1 year ago
AudioKit 5.2 Migration: AKSampler() to Sampler() latency when loading audioFiles
I am migrating my AudioKit-Code to AudioKit 5.2 and I am having problems with the AK5 Sampler() which I can not solve by myself. In AK previously it was AKSampler() and it had a function called:
loadAKAudioFile(from: AKSampleDescriptor, file: AKAudioFile)
Since Sampler() does not have that function, I took a piece of code from the source Sampler.swift which does the work, but it is extremely slow, it takes ages to load and map the 12 different small samples that I map on the note numbers from 60 to 71:
internal func loadAudioFile(from sampleDescriptor: SampleDescriptor, file: AVAudioFile) {
guard let floatChannelData = file.toFloatChannelData() else { return }
let sampleRate = Float(file.fileFormat.sampleRate)
let sampleCount = Int32(file.length)
let channelCount = Int32(file.fileFormat.channelCount)
var flattened = Array(floatChannelData.joined())
flattened.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { data in
var descriptor = SampleDataDescriptor(sampleDescriptor: sampleDescriptor,
sampleRate: sampleRate,
isInterleaved: false,
channelCount: channelCount,
sampleCount: sampleCount,
data: data.baseAddress)
akSamplerLoadData(au.dsp, &descriptor)
The AKSampler() did not have any noticable latency when doing the work but with Sampler() it takes more than a second to load a sample. Obviously AKSampler() worked asynchronously. I am new to swift and audio so I have no idea how to make Sampler() work asychronously.
Would be great to get some bits of code that could help it, thank's
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