1 year ago
Resilience4j Retry is not working as expected
I have two services "product-service" and "rating-service". I am making a rest call from product-service to rating-service to get the data. I have written the Retry configuration in product-service and expecting whenever an exception raised from rating-service, product-service retry the rest call as per configuration. But it is not happening. Whenever an exception thrown from rating-service, product-service also throws the exception without retrying and also fallback. Please find below code of both the services. Check the code of the both services here.
product-service >> ProductServiceImpl.java
@Retry(name = "rating-service", fallbackMethod = "getDefaultProductRating")
public List<ProductRatingDTO> getProductRating(String id) {
String reqRatingServiceUrl = ratingServiceUrl + "/" + id;
log.info("Making a request to " + reqRatingServiceUrl + " at :" + LocalDateTime.now());
ResponseEntity<List<ProductRatingDTO>> productRatingDTOListRE = restTemplate.exchange(reqRatingServiceUrl,
HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<ProductRatingDTO>>() {
List<ProductRatingDTO> productRatingDTOList = productRatingDTOListRE.getBody();
log.info("Retrieved rating for id {} are: {}", id, productRatingDTOList);
return productRatingDTOList;
public List<ProductRatingDTO> getDefaultProductRating(String id, Exception ex) {
log.warn("fallback method: " + ex.getMessage());
return new ArrayList<>();
product-service >> application.yml
maxAttempts: 3
waitDuration: 10s
- org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException
- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
rating-service >> RatingsServiceImpl.java
public List<RatingsDTO> getRatings(String productId) {
log.info("Ratings required for product id: "+productId);
List<RatingsDTO> ratingsDTOList = ratingsRepository.getRatingsByProductId(productId);
log.info("Ratings fetched for product id {} are : {}",productId,ratingsDTOList);
if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0,5) == 0){ // Erratic block
throw new org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
return ratingsDTOList;
Please let me know where I am doing the mistake?
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