1 year ago
How to set up aria-live="assertive" and role="alert" in a nested structure?
I have a big web page, and in which after a successful submission of a form, it starts showing up a success/failure message, and we want NVDA to automatically read the same as soon as Submit button is clicked. I've tried the basic recommendations to add aria-live and role attributes, but its not working. Here is the snippet:
<p class="mb-hidden" ref={(el) => (this.messageBar = el as HTMLParagraphElement)}>
<div aria-live="assertive" id ="testID" role="alert">
<span class="classRed" id="container2" ref={(el) => (this.message = el as HTMLSpanElement)}></span>
The span is getting updated with the message after a Submit button is clicked, but NVDA is not reading the message automatically.
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