1 year ago
Santosh Dangare
Unable to capture screenshot of SCORM present in Iframe
I am using Html2Canvas JavaScript library to take screenshot of the SCORM content rendering in the iFrame. I have Scorm package (it is same html file, css,js file) file that is loading from the same server so I am not getting any CORS issues, The Scorm is embedded into iFrame to play in the web page.But when I capture the screenshot of the iframe content , I am getting partial content from the page, It ignoring some content, I don't know where I am doing.
click_evn = e.target.parentNode;
html2canvas(click_evn, {
background: '#fff',
height: window.innerHeight,
windowHeight: window.innerHeight,
logging: true,
// allowTaint : true,
// useCORS:true,
onrendered: function(canvas){
before_imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
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