1 year ago
Problems with readlink and set uid
I'm having trouble getting setuid to work as hoped (chmod 3755).
I'm trying to implement, using C language, my own version of psgrep (or pgrep) for a very specific need. In order to accomplish this, I need to get the value of the link at /proc/[pid]/exe for every listed [pid]
To demonstrate the issue, I made this tiny program: (proof.c)
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char procFilename[] = "/proc/1/exe" ;
char pointsTo[80] ;
int rc ;
memset(pointsTo, 0x00, sizeof(pointsTo)) ;
rc = readlink(procFilename, pointsTo, sizeof(pointsTo)) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
perror("Trying to read /proc/1/exe link") ;
else {
printf("%s points to %s.\n", procFilename, pointsTo) ;
In the same folder, I exeucte:
gcc -o proof proof.c
sudo chown root:root proof
sudo chmod 3755 proof
Now, here are the execution results:
> ./proof
Trying to read /proc/1/exe link: Permission denied
> sudo ./proof
/proc/1/exe points to /usr/lib/systemd/systemd.
> ls -l proof
-rwxr-sr-t 1 root root 16888 Feb 16 14:06 proof
As I understand it, the chmod and chown combination should have gotten me past the permission error, but obviously I am missing something.
When I searched stackoverflow for "sticky-bit problems" there were no good matches (though a surprising number of people expect setuid to work with scripts). One problem about 2.6 kernel didn't seem to fit either. Anyway, what might I be missing?
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