1 year ago
CVXPY) Maximum diagonal entry of the inverse matrix
Currently what I am doing is: S(v) is a d-dimensional positive definite matrix determined by the d-dimensional vector v.
I want to optimize the maximum diagonal entry of the inverse of S(v) subject to
entrywise-sum of v equal to 1.
(See https://mathoverflow.net/questions/416095/cvxpy-maximum-diagonal-entry-of-the-inverse-matrix for details)
This is a convex problem, but CVXPY does not support a matrix inverse including a variable, as far as I know.
Using matrix_frac for a canonical vector e (will return e @ S(v) @ e) and
taking maximum for d different canonical vectors will work,
but it will create d-inverse of d by d matrix for each computation, which is really heavy.
Any other good solution?
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