1 year ago
Rotate a block in DXF file format
I am creating a DXF file using XSLT to transform my raw data. I can create a working DXF file with a block and insert it into my drawing.
The issue is I want to create one block that is used many times but is translated and rotated each time it is inserted. Looking up the reference document for DXF, the INSERT group only contains β50β (which is rotation group code). I need to rotate the block upon each insertion around itβs X and Y axis. (OCS, not WCS).
I cannot see a way to do this, but the concept of blocks is to be referenced multiple times in many different orientations, so I find it hard to believe there is not a way to do this.
A long work around is to create a block for each transform but this defeats the purpose and involves me calculating each coordinate, not to mention dramatically increases the file size.
There is also the extrusion group code (210,220,230) but I cannot figure out if I could achieve what I want using this, as these work around the WCS.
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