1 year ago




Simulate y86 program as per Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 3e Student Site

I would like to simulate y86 program in a simulation environment. I followed the Chapter 4 processor architecture from this link. I downloaded the sim.tar file from source distribution. I unzipped the file using following commands on linux.

linux> tar xf sim.tar
linux> cd sim
linux> make clean
linux> make

I got misc, pipe, ptest, seq, y86-code subfolder under sim folder.

Under seq subfolder there is a file called seq-full.hcl which I want to simulate on simulation environment.

I got some instruction from README file under Chapter 4: Processor Architecture Y86-64 tools and documentation -> README tab. Here is the link README. I also got some instruction simulator guide link from the same tab.

But I did not understand how could I run the seq-full.hcl after reading so many study materials.

If you read simguide study material you can find different section there. The 1st section is installing. I went through the commands as I mentioned early but this gave me a sim folder and sub folder under sim folder.

The section 3.3 - Simulator Command Line Options this is not clear to me.

If anyone has any idea how to install the simulator and run program on it please let me know.

Thank you.



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