1 year ago
y86 instructions set create confusion
I am a beginner of computer architecture. I try to learn Y86 architecture. I got this reference for the Y86 architecture. I did not understand the picture Stage computation: Arith/log. ops
. I have studied the book Computer Systems: A programmer's Perspective
but the things are not clear to me
- M1[PC]
- M1[PC+1] and other lines
As per the book, M1[x] indicates accessing (either reading or writing) 1 byte at memory location x. That means M1[PC] means accessing(either reading or writing) 1 byte at memory location program counter. Is that make sense?
- valP <- PC+2
But why it is PC+2 and not any other integer.
I also came to know from the book In the fetch stage, we do not require a constant word, and so valP is computed as PC + 2
But then again It is also possible fetches a 4byte constant word valC
So suppose, there is another line in the above example after rA:rB<-M1[PC+1] is valC<- M4[PC+2] then what will be the next line valP<-PC +______
Here I try to solve a small program following the link I refer here
Stage: addq V, rB
Fetch: icode : ifun ← M1[PC]
rA : rB ← M1[PC+1]
valC ← M8[PC+2]
valP ← PC + 10
Decode: valB ← R[rB]
Execute: valE ← valB + valC
Write back: R[rB] ← valE
PC update: PC ← valP
Edited: I edit this question and try to understand how much knowledge I gain from the link.
Is my code alright?
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