July 10, 2024
Implementing a Priority Queue in Go: A Step-by-Step Guide
Priority queues are fundamental data structures that allow efficient access to the highest (or lowest) priority element. They are used in various applications like scheduling, simulation, and algorithm optimization. In this blog, we'll explore how to implement a priority queue in Go (Golang) using a heap, which is the most efficient underlying data structure for this purpose.
Understanding the Priority Queue
A priority queue is a type of queue where each element is associated with a priority, and elements are dequeued in order of their priority. The most common implementation of a priority queue is a binary heap, which can be either a min-heap (smallest element first) or a max-heap (largest element first).
Setting Up the Project
First, create a new directory for your project and initialize a Go module:
mkdir priorityqueue
cd priorityqueue
go mod init priorityqueue
Defining the Priority Queue
We'll start by defining the data structures. A heap can be represented as a slice of integers, but for a priority queue, we'll typically use a struct to store elements with their associated priorities.
package priorityqueue
type Item struct {
Value interface{} // The value of the item; arbitrary data
Priority int // The priority of the item
type PriorityQueue struct {
items []Item
Implementing the Heap Methods
The key operations for a heap are Push, Pop, and Peek. Let's implement these for our priority queue.
Push Operation
The Push method adds a new item to the heap and then ensures the heap property is maintained by "bubbling up" the new item to its correct position.
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Push(item Item) {
pq.items = append(pq.items, item)
pq.bubbleUp(len(pq.items) - 1)
func (pq *PriorityQueue) bubbleUp(index int) {
for {
parentIndex := (index - 1) / 2
if index == 0 || pq.items[parentIndex].Priority <= pq.items[index].Priority {
pq.items[parentIndex], pq.items[index] = pq.items[index], pq.items[parentIndex]
index = parentIndex
Pop Operation
The Pop method removes and returns the highest-priority item (for a min-heap, this is the smallest item). After removal, the last item in the heap is moved to the root, and the heap property is restored by "bubbling down" this item.
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Pop() Item {
if len(pq.items) == 0 {
panic("cannot pop from an empty priority queue")
minItem := pq.items[0]
lastItem := pq.items[len(pq.items) - 1]
pq.items = pq.items[:len(pq.items) - 1]
if len(pq.items) > 0 {
pq.items[0] = lastItem
return minItem
func (pq *PriorityQueue) bubbleDown(index int) {
lastIndex := len(pq.items) - 1
for {
leftChildIndex := 2*index + 1
rightChildIndex := 2*index + 2
if leftChildIndex > lastIndex {
minIndex := leftChildIndex
if rightChildIndex <= lastIndex && pq.items[rightChildIndex].Priority < pq.items[leftChildIndex].Priority {
minIndex = rightChildIndex
if pq.items[index].Priority <= pq.items[minIndex].Priority {
pq.items[index], pq.items[minIndex] = pq.items[minIndex], pq.items[index]
index = minIndex
Peek Operation
The Peek method returns the highest-priority item without removing it from the heap
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Peek() Item {
if len(pq.items) == 0 {
panic("cannot peek from an empty priority queue")
return pq.items[0]
Testing the Priority Queue
Create a main.go file to test your priority queue implementation:
package main
import (
func main() {
pq := &priorityqueue.PriorityQueue{}
pq.Push(priorityqueue.Item{Value: "task 1", Priority: 3})
pq.Push(priorityqueue.Item{Value: "task 2", Priority: 1})
pq.Push(priorityqueue.Item{Value: "task 3", Priority: 2})
fmt.Println("Top priority item:", pq.Peek()) // Should print "task 2"
for len(pq.items) > 0 {
item := pq.Pop()
fmt.Println("Processing item:", item.Value)
In this blog, we implemented a priority queue in Go using a heap. We covered the essential operations: Push, Pop, and Peek, and demonstrated how to maintain the heap property during these operations. This priority queue can be used in various applications where task scheduling or prioritization is required.
Feel free to expand this implementation by adding features like custom comparison functions or making the priority queue thread-safe for concurrent use